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August 11, 2011

Laurelton: Impotent With Streetwalkers - But Finds Abusing Women "Exciting"

He's most familiar to us under the alias Mr Laurelton Queens, but also goes by the aliases IrvingtonP and Irvington29 online.

Utopia Guide is an online community for men who use the illegal services of hookers. Under his Irvington29 alias, Laurelton asks his fellow johns on the site for advice on performance pills.

Does Laurelton have trouble "getting it up" in general with women...or only with hookers? He doesn't say.

Take a look at the second line:

Laurelton says, "I never really got pleasure from a streetwalker." Still, Laurelton solicits streetwalkers' services so frequently, to the point of admitted addiction.

It's not that Laurelton's not satisfied at home by his ex-stripper girlfriend. He just "gets the itch."

(Let's leave aside for a second the fact that this perverted, self-hating sicko is telling a diverse group of men that black women are Jezebels, and encouraging the men to go overseas to exploit them. He writes over and over on his MrLaureltonQueens.com, "All black women are sexually aggressive." Would any man but a black man get off on seeing the women of his group exploited? Something to think about.)

If Laurelton isn't sexually satisfied or even sexually aroused by streetwalkers, why does he go to them constantly? Why is he willing to pay for sex that doesn't satisfy him?  Why is he willing to risk arrest for unsatisfactory sex? Hell, he's willing to put his safety and life in danger for sex with streetwalkers.

There MUST be something that Laurelton gets from these exchanges with streetwalkers that keeps him going back for more. My conclusion is that the "something" that excites Laurelton about the prostitute-john relationship is POWER. Laurelton knows prostitutes are impoverished or even drug-addicted, willing to do anything for a buck. Laurelton has the buck, which puts complete power over these fallen women's lives in his hands (at least temporarily). Having total power over a woman's life probably excites Laurelton. With this complete power, Laurelton can and does abuse vulnerable women.

Take for example this screenshot below. One of Laurelton's two women is an ex-hooker with a long rap sheet who didn't graduate high school. Laurelton is relishing the power he has over this down and out woman who's lost everything, including her kids, and is completely dependent on him. He demands that she bear him a kid, and threatens to leave her alone and penniless once she leaves jail if she refuses to allow him to use her womb as he pleases.

No wonder that "No Wedding No Womb" campaign had Laurelton in such a huff! He thinks as a man, he has a right to women's wombs. He feels he should be able to blackmail, threaten and bully women to do with their wombs what HE wants. He doesn't care about the woman, or about the child's need to a healthy, stable home. Laurelton wants what Laurelton wants from women, and he wants it NOW. He must have looked something like this terrifying man, his face contorting with rage as he bullied and threatened the already-broken woman until she gave in to his demands.

Laurelton represents the worst of the African American male misogynists. He doesn't believe women have the right to ask anything of a man in a relationship. Women don't deserve the security of marriage for themselves or for the children they'll have. Women exist to sexually service Laurelton or breed his illegimate babies on command. A woman speaking is irritating to Laurelton. What he's thinking is, why do we need to say anything when we're just sex toys and baby-breeding machines? Nothing we say is of value in this black misogynist's eyes. Check out this screenshot.

Laurelton loves it when a woman has hit rock bottom and is completely dependent on him, because it brings women down to the state that he believes women should be in, a state where their survival literally depends on pleasing him. The woman must live to serve him, because it's the only way she CAN live. This is how this warped misogynist likes it.

Pic of Laurelton from his public MySpace

Pic of Laurelton Queens from his public MySpace

Laurelton's tummy