Laurelton's comment reveals how sociopathic many black males are these days. A black man will be sweet to a black woman, and when the black woman assumes likes her because of that, Laurelton considers her a "dumb ass" for thinking so. Really? A black woman is a dumb ass for thinking that a person treats her well because he likes her? Hmm that's an assumption any reasonable person would make, that you talk to me nicely because you like my company. A black woman is wrong for not assuming that every black man she talks to is a sociopath who is manipulating her thoughts and emotions because he likes toying with her?
But that is modern black male logic: "If you allow me to do it to you, then it's your fault, not mine. If you let me have sex with you without a condom, then it's your fault you got pregnant, not mine, so you shouldn't make me pay child support and you should take full responsibility for how he turns out once he becomes an adult, and take full responsibility for ruining the black community with your out-of-wedlock babies. If a black man abuses you or cheats on you, then it's your fault because you should have known he was no good. If a black man is a thug or deadbeat then it's black women's fault, because he wouldn't act that way if he knew he couldn't get a woman if he did so."
Plus me and Lakeland girl ain’t “in a relationship”. Just because you see a man consistently for a year does not mean that is you’re man. Some of my female readers will disagree. If you don’t speak up than it is , what it is.Laurelton thinks it's ok to lead a woman on indefinitely unless she speaks up about it and begs him to be her official boyfriend. most cultures, it's the man who makes things official. But for black women bashers, everything is black women's responsibility or fault. Black men who bash black women think adult black men have no responsibility for their actions and aren't required to be decent, moral human beings unless a black woman is constantly looking over their shoulder telling them that they SHOULD be and punishing them when they're not. Oh - but even if a black woman tells black men to be good and won't settle for less, and really believes that a particular black man is good and falls for him...she's STILL stupid for believing that a black man could ever be any good, according to Laurelton's logic above. Black women bashers are really screwed up.
The brains behind the operation, the BDWE Black women those are the black women to watch. Ms Prophet, black men got her because we stay on her mind. That is really all you need to do with most black women. She went on a rant about white women and white men. She is in our back pocket.... I always say this worry when a black woman stops talking about or ignores you. Once that happens, its time to push her buttons a little bit.Laurelton explains the mentality of black women bashers right here. Black men have no power over anything else, so they want to at least have the power to manipulate black women's emotions, make us hurt, keep us single if they want to, get sex from one of us if and when they decide they want it, etc. They feel that this power is better than nothing.
That said, I'm done talking about Laurelton. I don't want to give this sick male the attention he so gets off on. I started this blog to expose Laurelton because I saw that he was starting to fool some black women into thinking he's an ok, reasonable guy who just has misconceptions about black women who are in interracial relationships. I wanted black men to know what he is so, too, so that at least if they allied with him they would know what they are cosigning and everyone else would know also.
I'm going to leave this blog up, but this is my last blog entry here.
Thanks to everyone who helped me spread the news to everyone who wanted to know more about this sick man.
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