Laurelton's last few posts expose the Jedi mind tricks many black men are playing with women they're in relationships with.
Lots of BWE blogs expose the sociopathic games black men play with black women as a group, when they tell black women that no one wants us, and insist we get with the program since we'll never get a good man or a man who is better than black men are as a collective. Laurelton's favorite saying is "black women are chosen dead last." Black men reasons for group abuse is to keep black women confined to the black community and restricted to black men. The media attacks, the hate campaigns on sites like YouTube are all meant to make black women feel low and unworthy so we won't think we deserve anything from black men as a collective or find better men outside of the community.
Laurelton's recent posts show how black men's psychological warfare works one-on-one, in dating and personal relationships. Sociopathic black men like Laurelton put on an act until they find out who the woman is and what she needs and wants, and then destroys her self-esteem just so they can take pleasure in her pain. Black men do this because they are at the bottom of the social ladder and it hurts their self-esteem when they see a black woman happy and doing well. They don't want to put in the effort to rise as black men, so they beat the black woman down to their level or below.
Laurelton deliberately seeks out broken, dysfunctional women. He says he gets "disgusted" by their brokenness, but admits that he finds the dynamic he has with broken women "exciting." He admits that sex and money don't interest him, but it's a thrill when a woman is fearful of him. He justifies his disgusting behavior by saying it's the fault of these women for "having their hands out." He loves it when a woman is desperate and in need of his money, because in that case he can play his evil psychological abuse games since he knows they don't have the strength or the means to leave him.
Laurelton tells how he sizes women up:
This is the way I look at it. Every black woman is unique and I approach every 1 of them differently. Army Chick was like a untrained, pit bull. Very aggressive, very stubborn, very needy as well. Put it this way I read her right away. I just had to found a way to size her up better.
...Since we both like playing basketball, (she is very good I must admit). I think that sort of broke the ice with her. ... HMM seems to suffer from PTS (anger problems comes from financial problems). Subject has an affinity for me for some reason. Yes have participated with subject in sexual recreation. Unfortunately subject so tense, it was very unusual. Usually occurs in rape victims or sexual abused black women. Over the weeks, she has warmed up and loosened up. Now she listens to the advice I give her.
Pros: loyal to a certain degree, not a whore, good mother.
Cons: spendthrift, unemployed, bad temper, slight depression, directionless in life.
... She just gets on my nerves with her brokeness. When she got kicked out of the army that really crushed her.
After Laurelton figures out the woman's weaknesses, he goes in for THE KILL:
...Unfortunately she made a couple mistakes. I am an aggressive man. I think I have kicked her out my car like 3 times. ( I let her back in the car though).
...Black women tend to take things to heart. I knew eventually, me talking shit to her for weeks, that I would eventually get firm control of her. I think she “thought” that I would let her get away with being an untrained pit bull. I am headache that you rather not deal with. ... Lo and behold I shook up her confidence on purpose. Every black woman wants to be “like” or for someone to care about them. ... Either a Male thug humbles her, or her circumstances with humble her, or BOTH could happen, depending on her financial situation. ...
I view black women like a chess match. I got the Queen on the board and all she got is 2 bishops and rooks. She ain’t really going nowhere.
...I would say Army Chick is 5 ft 5 160 pounds. Just butt and thighs. ... If army chick didn’t have a fat ass and thighs, I think I would have stopped talking to her by now. ...Most black men wouldn’t even bothered with her ass. She is not good sexually, she is not exactly a model (curvy body), country as well, bad tempered as well. ... [She said,] "I have never had sexual complaints until I met you." I said ” those Negros ain’t care enough to tell you. But I will tell you the truth”. If you was even to become a prostitute, you wouldn’t make it baby. See, she made me take the gloves off on her. She knows its true. Yeah, you got a nice curvy body but you are lazy sexually. No man will stick around for that. I don’t care how bad a black woman is period. Of course Army Chick desperately takes a swing at me by saying that she had men “give her everything”. I responded to her by saying ”Where are they at now though, where are these men you speak of”????? ... I put my arm around her like listen you what 30 years old. You got a small window for you to be with a man that is serious about you. Army Chick was like ” I know it”.
I could go on but as you can see. I should call myself the black woman whisperer. It’s not really hard to figure out black women. She couldn’t outlast me even if she tried. Money is power, or the implicit use of power. Read the 48 Laws of Power and the Art of Seduction (which is a very good book on women).
All I really did in the beginning of the situation was be, what she wanted me to be. I slowly stopped doing too much for her. Than I “thugged her”.
Now she doesn’t ask me for money because she does not want that verbal abuse.
... I always say this ” Respect is better than money”. I even told Army Chick that. I told her I don’t give a fuck about money or sex, I only care about respect. A woman will respect me one way or another. Machiavelli said its better to be loved or feared if you can’t be both! I like that quote for several reasons. It works the same way in dating and relationships. It is called soft power. When Army Chick said several times ‘ I am not dealing with you, I am leaving you”. I said to Army Chick ” we can stop talking right now, don’t call me”. Of course Army Chick would call later on that night or the next day. There is many black women that got that pit bull nature to them. Since I thrive off that. Eventually, she would back down and give in. Plus, I am doing well. I got options. I do not have to be with you. I can get other black woman to be with.
Army Chick says ” No wonder you don’t have a girlfriend, I can’t take this”. ” I ain’t had no man talk to me like this”. I kind of smirk at her. Keep having you’re hand out and I will smack it every time. I am sort of surprised we are still together. Well I am not actually. I have been studying black women for years. She just happened to run into the “wrong black man”. (Smiling). Than again, I don’t think a man would put up with Army Chick’s Alabama ass. ...
I can’t stand black women always having their hand out. It just brings the other side out of me out. ...
...Some people enjoy peace and harmony. I tend to thrive off conflict and dysfunction. I have to be right to the edge of the cliff.
There is no democracies in black relationships. ... You got to lay down or get down more like it. (She will do it 1 way or the other). ...
...I think Army Chick hmmm, is an interesting case study. Not that she represents all black women. She just does not bite her tongue. I kind of shrug her off because at the end of the day money is power. I will give her credit, I have roughed her up a bit verbally. She continues to come back for more punishment. I have hung up the phone on her several times, cursed her out, kicked out the car. Hmm called her ” Frank’s slut” (Baby daddy’s slut).Just like the black male collective likes to tell black women that they are doing us a favor by being with us at all since they have "options," black men use that point to psychological abuse black women in they're in relationships with. They tell their black female partners that they as black men have all the options, while the woman wouldn't be wanted by any other man. Laurelton has said many times that he prefers dating older women. He likes to scare older women by telling them that their clock is ticking and they'd better be grateful he's with them since other men have lost interest. Laurelton purposely seeks out financially unstable women and showers them with money. Once they become dependent on him, he can have the fun of verbally battering them. He admits that a dependent woman brings out his dark side, but he blames it on the women. He says that if broke and broken women didn't exist, or if women chose not to be broke or broken, then men like him couldn't abuse them. Black men never thinks it's their job to be moral. It's always the victims fault for being in the position to be victimized. It's like black men's argument that if a woman has children out-of-wedlock and is later abandoned by the child's dad, it's her fault and she deserves everything bad that comes her way since she shouldn't have let the man have sex with her with her without a condom. Black men should say that both the man and the woman are at fault, but black men feel they can't ever be wrong (Laurelton even alluded to that when he wrote about some other woman: "Well, she fell on hard times. See I don’t forgive at all. I fucked her and said get the fuck out my house. The way I looked at it, you know what the deal was. I even discouraged the situation. But desperate women will do anything, what can you do.").
Good, doing good at this corporate job. Spending time with Army chick. I am leaning towards settling down actually.So now that Laurelton has "Army Chick" right where he wants her - self-esteems in pieces with no expectations of him to love her or do anything nice for her - he's considering "settling down" with her. Laurelton shows that black men see black women as their competition. They aren't satisfied and don't feel like winners until a black woman is completely broken and feels like nothing, and feels grateful for scraps of attention.
Laurelton is delusional. Now that he is dating three broken women - two who are pill addicts and one who's an ex-felon who attempted suicide by overdosing on pills - that he's abused into submission, he feels like the king of the world:
Most successful black men do not give a fuck. They already have their non black women. Why even battle it out with bottom feeder black women. In my case, I can’t help myself but do it. Most Negros is like “Drew do not even look back”. I am like “na I go back to crush them”. A king does not leave his subjects or his interests behind. ... I am just a king on my own little island in the black community. Just like many black men are.Laurelton uses psychological terms like "case study" and "subject" about the women and his relationships with them. Laurelton is a nutcase who thinks of the psychological abuse he rains on the most troubled black women as an amusing experiment.
I think I was enraged by her ass 1 day. She said ” see you might as well settle down”. ( I assumed she meant marriage).I said “settle down and what, work while you don’t work”?????Army Chick said ” truthfully I wanted to be a Housewife”.You done fucked up, you said Housewife. UGH That made me even more upset because Christelyn Karazin nappy headed ass popped up in my head.Now I see why they are pushing this dependent “Marriage con game”.Let me get this right, I work my ass off, so you can sleep and bitch to me about girls calling my phone. Oh yeah, so you can text me at work because you are hungry.All I get is pussy every once in awhile. SHIT where do I sign up at, next to the rainbeau over here!!!!
Laurelton talks about how he feels like a "king" and how he "doesn't see black relationships as a democracy." His entire psychotic mentality reminds me of Deborah Cooper's post Are Black Men Sociopaths? Deborah wrot:
...We were discussing how many men cheat on their woman (even having children with other females while married), and manipulate women with lies and games. I was commenting on how it seems that too many Black men view relationships as nothing more than tools to control women and get sex, and how little of themselves they were apparently willing to put into their relationships and marriages. At the same time, these men are demanding total obeisance and “submission” … to be given free reign to “lead” without question.
“Malik” told me that women would have a hard time knowing if a guy was sincere or not, and that men often PRETEND to love. He’s a mature and thoughtful guy, and I appreciate his openness and analysis. As he shared his lifetime observations, I realized his statements indicated that most Black men knowingly and consciously play a role to get a woman, while investing little to no emotion in her or the relationship. Therefore a woman’s reality would be totally manipulated and under his control… she would have no way of knowing if the treatment she received from him is real or nothing but a game; she would also not know if his proclamations of love are true or not.
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